Soft Skills Self Assessment
Objectively assess your Soft Skills using this easy to use Excel tool...
Though we feel we know our strengths and weaknesses, it often helps to assess the same objectively using special tools. This module will help you in self assessment of soft skills using pre-programmed excel tool. Once downloaded the excel file can be used multiple times.
Your Instructor
Disciples India Group (DIG) as an organization has envisioned to provide educational & training services in the area of Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, Entrepreneurship Education, Management Consulting and Research.
Disciples India Group identifies the gaps between the Attitude, Skills and Knowledge level of students and expectations of the corporate world towards its work force. At this juncture, Disciples India Group offers varied educational & training services to fill the gaps and provide a platform for aspiring students to fulfill their career dreams.
Disciples India Group founded in 2013 by a team of academic and industry professionals to realize the vision of the group through their meticulous planning and dedicated efforts. the team members have expertise in the relevant areas to understand, guide and direct its clients towards fulfilling their objectives and realize their future dreams.